Uses Of 5HTP Need To Be Considered Carefully Before The Intake

The use of dietary supplements is a very common thing nowadays but when it is done carelessly it is a matter of worry. There are many people who may fancifully hop over to this website and find something interesting and consider taking it. That’s not the way to go about it.

In depth understanding of the supplements of both uses and its side effects if any need to be considered carefully before the intake. Also consider discussing the matter with your doctor first and then decide on whether or not you should go for it.


About 5HTP

5HTP of 5 Hydroxytryptophan is a dietary supplement that is understood to raise the level of serotonin in the brain which in turn helps in the regulation of mood and behavior of a person; this can positively influence the sleep cycle of a person along with mood and anxiety levels in the person.

The intake is also believed to have a positive effect on the appetite of a person and a considerable lowering of the sensation of pain.


Effective Uses

There are a few aspects of human behavior in which 5HTP supplements have been found to be useful.

  • 5HTP is found to be positively effective on the sleep cycle of a person. Studies have shown that persons who have taken this supplement tend to sleep quickly and soundly. However it has also been seen to be fully effective only after about 6 to 12 weeks of a regular dose of intake.
  • It is considered to be effective as an antidepressant based on some early and preliminary researches. People with mild to moderate levels of depression have shown some signs of change with an intake of this supplement.
  • There are certain researches and studies that have shown some people reacting well when it came to a wide range of headaches like migraine with the intake of 5HTP. it may be noted here that this has worked only for some people and not everyone as per various studies and reports.
  • There are studies that have shown people who have taken the 5HTP supplement  have taken less calories in their diet when compared to other supplements which has often led to the conclusion of this being effective with obesity and weight loss as well.


Side Effects

Certain side effects have been observed in people according to study reports. These are not always seen in the same order or even all of them in the same person.

  • Stomach pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Sexual problems
  • Muscle problems
  • Drowsiness



A correct dosage is very important in the intake of 5HTP supplements. There are strict dosage regulations and people who have crossed these limits have met with serious side effects as mentioned.

Even in matters of intake within the prescribed dosage it may be kept in mind that certain people have medical conditions that need to be carefully considered before the intake of any such supplement.

Hence talking to your doctor should be the first step before consumption of any dietary supplement like the 5HTP.

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